Homemade Muesli

I fell in love with muesli on our honeymoon in South Africa. I was reminded of it and inspired the other day when I saw this recipe decided to make some of my own. I love cereal and oatmeal but I do not always want a hot breakfast and commercial cereals often have a ton of extra sugar and I have a big enough sweet tooth that I do not need my breakfast filled with sugar as well. The great thing about making your own is that you can add in all the things you love and constantly change it to add variety. I did not add any dried fruit to mine, I prefer fresh (to control the sugar), but you can certaintly include it!
Homemade Muesli
1/4 cup pistachios
1/2 cup walnuts
2 TBS ground flax
2 TBS hemp hearts
2 TBS chia seeds
(instead of the above you can add wheat germ or oat bran)
1 cup oats (I used irish old fashioned because that is what I had)
2 TBS brown sugar (you can eliminate this completly but I need a little sweetness)
1 tsp cinnamon (feel free to add any spices you like)
Dried or fresh fruit or coconut shavings
Milk (regular, soy, almond, rice....)
Yield - 2 1/3 cups without the fruit (almost 12 ounces)
1. Chop the nuts (you can toast them as well to intensify their flavor)
2. Add the oats, hemp hearts, chia seeds, sugar, flax seed, cinnamon and brown sugar to the bowl with the nuts.
3. Stir well to combine.
4. At this point, you can store the muesli in a sealed container for a week or two.
5. To eat, (what I like) mix 1/3 cup muesli with 1/2 plain 0% greek yogurt and 1/2 cup almond milk and let it sit a few hours or overnight before eating. Top with fresh fruit. You can soak with just milk or just yogurt. You can also sprinkle a few tablespoons on your yogurt and eat immediately as a "raw granola".

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