I Love NY Cake Pops

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We have been busy over making these cake pops :)
One of my good friends from when I was working at JP Morgan is getting married today! I started at JP Morgan after I graduated from college and made a group of really close friends through the training program. Out of the five of us there is only one still there, but we have stayed close which is really nice. I am very excited for the wedding and honored that I could do the favors.
We have a busy weekend ahead! My husband is headed to a bachelor party in Miami this morning until Sunday and I have the wedding tonight. Saturday should be a lot of fun. The library in town is having their 100 year celebration which will include, a petting zoo, Music for Aadvarks and lots of other fun things for Savanna. On Sunday we have a BBQ with the Rye Newcomers group which should hopefully be a great place to meet other new families. Savanna should have fun too since it is at the Nature Center and they have animals there :)
What's on tap for your weekend? Congratulations to Stephanie and Fran!!

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