Memorial Day Recap and Drum Cakes

Hi! As per usual, I am trying to catch up! I just realized I never wrote a 6 month update for Savanna so I will do a 6 and 7 month one next week :) I know I keep saying this, but where does the time go?? After Kristen's shower the following weekend we had a lovely Mother's Day Weekend and the weekend following that I had Kristen's Bachelorette in Fort Lauderdale and then it was Memorial Day and we got back on Tuesday and I had to do a 1st birthday dessert table and the dessert table for Kristen's wedding in 3 1/2 days so now I am finally sitting down :)
I wanted to start with sharing two Drum cakes I did in April and May. The first was a cake for a Fresh Beat Band theme party so I included the instruments from the other characters as well. The second was for a little boys 1st birthday, I thought it was a unique and cute theme for a first birthday.
I also wanted to share some pictures and details from our Memorial Day Trip. For the last 4 years, Chris has spent Memorial Day studying for the CFA so we have not been able to really enjoy it. I was really excited for this year, so we decided to spend some time down in Bethany Beach, Delaware where Chris's parents have a beach condo. We were hoping since it was further south it would be nicer, but it ended up not really being a beach weekend. His parents condo is in Sea Colony which is almost like a resort so we were saved with the indoor pool! Savanna absolutely LOVED the indoor pool. We have been doing swimming lessons for about 2 months now and I knew she enjoyed the water, but I think between her being older and spending even more time in the pool she just had a blast. Chris's mom also got her a little pool that we filled with some water that she enjoyed. Despite the bad weather it ended up being a good few days. Although I will say babies are such creatures of habit, Savanna was a little cranky by the end and was so excited when she got home :)
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