Almond Milk Chocolate Pudding & Allergy Update

One morning Savanna finally took a bottle with formula. I had a friend who recommended trying in the morning with the first feeding of the day because that is when babies are usually the most hungry. After a couple of mornings of trying (over 2 weeks) it worked! Ironically after, I read a blurb in parenting magazine that said it sometimes takes babies 6-10 trys to like a new food and a lot of parents do not try that long. I still wanted to nurse because I wanted Savanna to get all of the health benefits from it because she still was not even 3 months old. It was really nice that she was able to take it because it gave me a little break and allowed me to build a supply so I did not have to worry as much when I had things to do. We were doing well for about 2 weeks and then she started getting upset at the bottle and while nursing again. She would only nurse for about 5 minutes and then get upset and it was a constant struggle. So we decided to try all formula for a week and see how that went. It went ok for the first few days but then she started to get upset again. So we spoke to one of the nurses at the pediatricians office and she recommended we try the liquid Hypoallergenic Formula. Yay finally two weeks later on that she is eating well and still happy! It was been a long struggle and a lot of trial and error (which is what I learned most of parenting is :) ) but I am glad she is finally happy. It was tough to give up nursing because there is so much pressure these days about how breast is best. At the end of the day it wasn't for Savanna and all of the joy and bonding that comes from nursing was lost because it was not enjoyable for either of us anymore. So there is always the next one (God willing) and for now I am just happy to have a happy baby. I am still going to post some dairy free and soy free recipes since there are not a ton out there and I want to hopefully help some other mothers who may have the same problem. Plus the recipes are usually healthy and good to make even if you do not have an allergy :)
Almond Milk Chocolate Pudding
1/2 cup cocoa
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups low fat milk (almond or regular)
1. Measure cocoa, sugar and cornstarch into a small saucepan. Whisk together until all large lumps are gone.
2. Over low heat slowly whisk in milk.
3. Raise heat to medium-high and bring to a boil (should take about 5 mins). Periodically whisk as you bring to a boil and be careful to get the sides of the pan.
4. After it comes to a boil lower heat and simmer for another 5 minutes. Continue to whisk.
5. Take off heat and put through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl (this is to get rid of any remaining lumps, if you do not have a mesh strainer or you are lazy and do not mind some lumps you can skip this step).
6. Place a piece of plastic wrap right on the pudding to prevent the film from forming. Then chill for at least 2 hours.

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