
Savanna's 10-11 Month Update

I wanted to share a much delayed update with you today.  I mentioned earlier that we did not see as big of a difference between 9-10 months as we had seen between all the other months.  I am not sure why, we just didn't, but boy did she make up for it in month 11.  The biggest update was she finally started WALKING!!  Around 10 1/2 months she took a few steps and then 2 weeks after she was walking more than she was crawling and now she barely crawls at all!  We welcomed the walking, we were tired of her crawling through the mulch at the playground and on the cement and she was with the walker for so long we were ready.  It is soooo cute how they waddle and look like little drunken sailors when the first start :)

She also started to "play ball". If you tell her to go get the ball she will and then bring it back to you. She also does does a miniature throw.  She loves to climb the steps at the park and goes down a small slide while holding your hand.  We started a Mommy and Me Gym class and we also go to a music class at the library twice a week which she LOVES.  She just enjoys being around other kids.  She waves when she walks into class and always follows the big kids around the playground.  She only likes the swings when there are other kids on them. 

She has become more affectionate and will actually give you a little cuddle once in awhile, along with lots of hugs and kisses when you ask.  The cutest is when she reaches for your hand to hold while walking.  

In terms of communication she says mama and dada, but still not directive.  She did learn "more" in sign language and when you ask her where her head is she will put her hands there and of course we learned SO BIG!  We are working on nose next along with eat and drink in sign language.  She now knows "in" and "out", so she no longer just empties baskets :)  In general she seems to understand a lot more when you talk to her.  

Savanna now has 8 TEETH!!! I believe it is a lot for her age, but luckily they haven't been too terrible and I guess we are closer to being done! She used to eat anything you put in front of her, but she has definitely become more picky.  I cannot complain she is a pretty good eater in general, but there are things she will spit out if she does not like them.  She will eat sweet potatoes if I roast them, but not if they are mashed.  She eats broccoli some days....loves pasta, peas and turkey and most. She won't eat frozen carrots but will eat them plain if I boil them.  Her favorite fruits right now are blueberries and grapes.  We are still off all dairy, but luckily I found some great coconut milk yogurts.  We are starting to test the soy right now.  

Luckily, she gave up her stroller strike and is a lot better in the stroller now, but hates the car.  It is good that we are in a walkable town because we can go to all of her classes and dinner without having to go in the car, but once the winter comes we will be in trouble.  

I cannot believe she is going to be a year in less than 2 weeks!  It is true what they say - it goes fast!  

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