Cookie Place Cards

My cousin Christine is getting married this August and her Bridal Shower was this past weekend (Christine is on the left and her sister Jennifer is on the right).
My Aunt asked if I could create something with cookies for the place cards. My cousin loves sweets especially chocolate! So I decided to make chocolate sandwich cookies with a nutella cream filling. I placed the table number on the cookie and attached a tag with the person's name on it. I was excited with how they came out!
My cousin Liz has a baking business as well and my Aunt asked her to do cupcake bouquets for the centerpieces which came out fabulous. She gave everyone cups and bags to take the cupackes home with them which I thought was very clever. The cupcake fit perfectly, nice and snug. I had placed mine in my bag and it didn't budge from the cup, it traveled really well!

Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for the shout out cuz! Your cookies were great! So happy to hear that the cup/bag idea worked out, thank you Pinterest :)